Friday, December 19, 2008

12/19 Daytrades

6:55AM - Bought some RIMM Dec 40's @ 1.20, bouncing off 5-SMA

7:30AM - Stopped out for $0.20 gain

8:00AM - Bought some SKF Dec 100 Calls @ 8.39, stop @ 107.00

9:05AM - Taking profits, sold SKF Calls @ 12.00

12:10PM - Bought SKF Dec 105 Calls @ 6.90

12:25PM - Stopped out of SKF @ 6.00


Momo Stock Trader said...

Real-time trades are cool, especially on option expiration day, as you are the oe trader!

OE Trader said...

MST - I will probably just do this on opex days. It was a bit distracting switching from the trading platform to blogger.

Betty - Thanks for stopping by!